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I have been a professional freelance writer for more than 20 years and have written for a variety of publications and companies including Better Homes and Gardens, GE, Intel and The Washington Post. If you’re looking for high quality, professional writing tailored to you and your style, I deliver outstanding results.

7 Types of Bill Errors and How to Deal With Them

7 Types of Bill Errors and How to Deal With Them

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Gunther’s role in SGIP changing along with group’s structure

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Southern Company Devises Automated Method to Monitor Capacitor Bank Health

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6 house repairs to tackle

6 House Repairs to Tackle

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Seven Worst Times to Use Your Credit Card

Seven Worst Times to Use Your Credit Card

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code machine

Revere Security Cryptographers Build on German Enigma Code

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solar panels on roof

Walmart Nets Millions from DR, Automated Shopping by Sunlight

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USA map

10 great places to retire in the US

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brain in the shape of a tree

Tree of Life: Giving People with Brain Injuries Hope and a Future

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nurse caring for patient in a wheelchair

Home that Afternoon: New Techniques and Technology, Cost Pressures Drive Transition to More Outpatient Procedures

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hand holding a lightbulb

Smart Grid in Your Home

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2 glasses of white wine

Quick Tip: Make Your Home More Romantic

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Icing on the Cake

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empty stage

Scare Stage Fright Away

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drying tobacco leaves

Champion Tobacco Auctioneer was Reluctant to Go Into Business at First

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prison cells

Convicted Killer Executed in Virginia, But Only on Second Try

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