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I have been a professional freelance writer for more than 20 years and have written for a variety of publications and companies including Better Homes and Gardens, GE, Intel and The Washington Post. If you’re looking for high quality, professional writing tailored to you and your style, I deliver outstanding results.

A bust of Lenin and a mosaic of the hammer and sickle

Retiree Introducing Capitalism to Socialists: Training: Holmes Brown hopes to eventually bring 500 Soviets to U.S. It’s not his first big challenge.

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indoor lightning machine

A Few Tricks of the Trade Help Teachers Sell Physics: Education: Professor’s light-hearted stunts help explain scientific principles

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prison bars

State Penitentiary Closes A Day After Executing Inmate

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tombstone cross

Man Allegedly Kills Wife and Boyfriend, Wounds Daughter

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christian cross with sunset background

Pastor Calls For Compassion For Accused Killer, Wife

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